software engineering tool中文什么意思

发音:   用"software engineering tool"造句
  • software:    (电脑的)软件,软设备;程序设备;语 ...
  • engineering:    n. 1.工程(技术),工程学。 2 ...
  • tool:    n. 1.工具,用具,器具;【机械工 ...
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  1. Computer - assisted software engineering tool
  2. Many software engineering tools are widely used in order to solve the problems brought by software crisis , such as rational rose , playcase , sourcesafe , project
    为了解决软件危机带来的种种问题,各种软件工程工具被越来越普遍的使用,著名的有rationalrose 、 playcase 、 sourcesafe 、 project等等。
  3. In the past decade , a number of vendors had developed uml - based tools that supported significantly greater levels of automation than traditional case computer - aided software engineering tools
    在过去的十年中,许多供应商已经发展了基于uml的工具,值得注意的是这些工具所支持的自动化标准比传统的case (计算机辅助软件工程)工具标准更高。
  4. Conceptual model , physical model and object oriented model are developed with the computer aided software engineering tool ( powerdesinger ) in this research , then the object design , the database design and the dbms are integerated
    课题在系统分析设计过程中使用了智能化的计算机辅助软件工程工具( powerdesinger )实现概念数据模型、物理数据模型和流行的面向对象的模型,将对象设计、数据库设计和关系数据库无缝地集成在一起。
  5. But all the software engineering tools are mainly aimed at general software corporation , and are often used to manage big software projects . and in some especial software organization , such as university laboratory , the software engineering tools often can " t get the ideal results


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  2. software engineering process authority 什么意思
  3. software engineering programming 什么意思
  4. software engineering technology 什么意思
  5. software engineering terminology 什么意思
  6. software engineers 什么意思
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  8. software environment 什么意思
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